• Europes biggest bike selection

    Love letters to our bikes.

    Sophia Willmes
    Sophia Willmes
    Feb 14, 2024 5 min
    Love letters to our bikes.

    New year, new people, new bikes. But the same love.

    Team buycycle is great at a lot of things. But when it comes to writing love letters... well. Not so much. Even after last year's round of love declarations, my dearest team mates haven't gotten any better. This did not stop us, however, to go ahead, try again and find some appreciating, moving, questionable, but above all, honest words of love for our bikes.

    Disclaimer: Some of my colleagues are reaaaaaally not good at this whole writing-about-love thing. Which is why I, with the help of some suggestive questions, have tried to get at least some useful compliments and sweet words out of them and took to writing the actual love letter myself. So, please enjoy the following texts with care and with a little dose of irony.
    Do you know buycycle? We are the leading marketplace for buying and selling pre-owned bikes. Not just any bikes - only beautiful performance bikes. Come and take a ride!
    Timo (Refurbishment):

    You make me feel like the king of the world. But you're also pretty new and I still have to get to know you. We have to get used to each other, it's just like in a marriage!
    Vincent (Operations):

    In your sleek frame lies the heart of my adventures, every pedal stroke a beat of our shared journey. You're more than a bike; you're the embodiment of freedom and passion. Thank you for every mile, every climb, every moment.
    Emilio (Marketing):

    I love everything that's shiny and new. And you, my bike, you are new AND shiny, so what's there not to adore? A new love, that's helped me discover a new city and find friends. That's a start for a love letter, no?
    Nils (Supply):

    You are bright red and you are an eyecatcher wherever I take you. I love that about you. You're my little racer, I feel free and energized on you and I can just speed away with you. Oh, and thanks for being so easygoing when it comes to maintenance. I only ever had to change your tyres once! Talk about easy love...
    Janine (Operations):

    My great grandma already rode on you, that's how much history you carry and how enduring you are! You're special to me, not only because you carry all of these memories of my great grandmother but also because you get me and my dog Maya through all of Munich. So fast, so conveniently and so comfortably!
    Federico (Refurbishment):

    I look at you and I just have to smile, because you're so beautiful. Then, I get ready, almost like I would for a date and I get all excited to see my friends with you. I love the sense of community you bring and you are a great way of starting conversations with whoever and far off the actual ride.
    Anja (Performance Marketing):

    Puh. I gotta be honest. I have absolutely nothing to say to you. I hope I'll ride you again soon. But please: It's not you. It's me.
    Nina (People and Culture):

    You get me anywhere and you get me there fast. My thoughts can roam freely whenever I'm with you and this is a wonderful thing. And even though you're almost always dirty, it is such a meditating experience whenever I do clean you: All this polishing and the bubbly soap, it's truly gratifying when you shine and sparkle after a cleaning session! So yes. This is what I love about you.
    Lamine (Finance):

    You're my favorite way to work out, I feel fast and strong with you and you get me through the entire city. All while looking pretty stunning... And you're super versatile, which is why I love tinkering around with you.
    Simon (Product):

    I just want to say thank you for getting me to my S-Bahn station and back everyday. And thank you for being so loyal and something I can count on, even though you're currently corroding away (sorry about that by the way).
    Louis (Refurbishment):

    I love you baby girl.

    Side note: Louis wrote a pretty smokey love letter last year already. But he's got a new bike now, so I let him express his deep deep feelings again this year.
    Nic (Brand):

    I love the way you look and I love how easy it is to throw you over my shoulder... And even though I pegged you as super slow in the beginning, I slowly learned to love and appreciate you. Still, I'd never ride you alone. No friends , no ride, sorry babes. We're pretty much long-term-low-commitment-lovers.
    Tagui (Product):

    My highlight with you is definitely that I feel so liberated and independent whenever I'm with you. I can go wherever I want to with you.
    Moscow, the city I grew up in, is not really cyclable, so my first memories with you will always involve the nature around Moscow and my first city rides here in Munich...
    Lena (Product):

    No matter what mood I am in before I go on a ride with you, you always help. I've never gotten back home and have not felt better and this is what I love about you.
    James (Marketing):

    I’ve had the best days and the worst days on you. But no matter how much you beat me up I still keep coming back for more. I like the pain and suffering. Not the best feeling to compare to a traditional human relationship though....
    Ed (Strategy):

    I love going for early morning rides with you, cruising on smooth hard paved roads overlooking the Bavarian Alps.
    Shirin (Brand):

    We haven't know each other for that long yet but I am pretty sure: This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I cannot wait to cross the alps with you - You help me to discover the world and you are a wonderful companion while doing so. So here's to the countless adventures that await us!
    Lucy (US Marketing):

    Hmm, what I would want to tell me bike? I would say it's beautiful to look at, like a work of art. It's fast and strong and I appreciate how versatile it is. I think we look great together and compliment each other perfectly.
    Sophie (Product):

    My bike actually has a name: Amo. It gives me this feeling of ease and it makes dreams come true. It's my truest companion, it gets me to work and back everyday and it's always down for an adventure! I've taken Amo to the Lake of Garda and Lake Como already and it's always there when I want to let off steam. Looking damn good while at it.
    Max (Marketing):

    My bike, where do I start? We met last year, and you helped me explore my passion for cycling. Even though our rides just started recently, we clicked from the beginning and have gone through good and bad times together. At the same time, I know that we may go our separate ways one day. So let's enjoy the ride while it lasts and collect more great memories together!