• Europes biggest bike selection

    How to sell your bike

    Sophia Willmes
    Sophia Willmes
    Mar 4, 2024 12 min
    How to sell your bike

    How to sell my old bike properly?

    "I want to sell my bike!"... Yes, but how? Whether you have a new favorite bike, straight from road bike to MTB or you simply want to clean out your used bike: If you want to sell your used bike, you are in good hands at buycycle is the right place for you. In this short guide you will learn everything you need to know to give your bike a second life with us and make a new owner happy.

    Do you know buycycle? We are the leading marketplace for buying and selling used bikes. Not just any bikes - only beautiful performance bikes. Come and take a ride!

    1. Determine bike type and model.

    You probably already know the bike type, but if you have any questions, we have compiled an overview in the appendix. The exact model of your bike should be found in the invoice or the purchase documents, alternatively you will find the following on the frame of your bike. If in doubt, ask our buycycle team for advice!

    2. Determine condition.

    The better the condition of your used bike, the higher its value. Look at all components individually and give an honest assessment. If it seems to be defective, we offer you our Premium Check at buycycle and send your bike to a certified bike repair shop after the sale.

    3. Take good photos.

    The quality of your photos is the be-all and end-all of selling a bike. Shoot your entire bike from the side against an inviting background and take sharp, recognizable close-ups of the individual components: derailleur, crank, brakes, etc. Make sure you also photograph individual signs of use and that brand names are clearly legible in the pictures.

    Are you thinking of buying a bike soon? Come and see our beautiful used bikes in our shop.

    4. Determine price.

    On our website you will find a price calculator where you can enter the model, year and condition of your bike. Based on this information and the comparison with other offers, you will receive a price proposal. Ultimately, however, you alone determine the final price!

    We also have dedicated about bike value - how much is your bike worth? and how much does a bike cost?.

    5. Determine time of sale.

    The sale of entry-level models is particularly suitable between April and June, as novice cyclists usually buy their new bikes shortly before the start of the season. Those who have been cycling for a long time start looking for a new intermediate or performance bike in December and January. So you should advertise your high-priced bike during this period.

    6. Advertise quickly and easily on buycycle.

    Enter the brand and year of your bike and immediately you will be suggested suitable models. Choose the right one, specify the condition of your bike and the ad is created and your bike is waiting for its next owner.

    7. Uncomplicated shipping.

    Once your bike is sold, buycycle will send you a packaging set consisting of a box and protective material. Wrap your bike and components well, put it in the box, tape the packaging well and a courier will pick up the finished package directly from your home. Your buyer can also pick up the bike in person, which can be ecologically and cost effective depending on the distance.

    8. Secure payment.

    Your:e buyer:in has already paid at the time of the order with a common means of payment. You can withdraw this money from buycycle as soon as the pickup of the bike has been arranged.

    9. Queries are taken over buycycle.

    Buyers sometimes still have questions about technical details on the used bike. Here the buycycle team takes care. We are always available for buyers and answer all questions. Only in exceptional cases we will come back to you.

    Do you have any questions about the article or about selling bikes? Just contact the buycycle-team. Good luck with the sale!

    How to sell your bike | buycycle

    You have bought a new bike or you just want to clean out your bike? Then it's time to sell your used bike sell. Here we explain what you should consider everything:What is the best way to sell a bike?You want to sell your used bike. Then we have created a checklist for it:Determine bike type and bike modelGet the bike out of the basement/garage/bike rack on the wall and gather all the documentation for it. If you don't know which type your old bike belongs to, check out our overview:Road bike, MTB, Gravel bikeAlso, for city bikes and trekking bikes, it is helpful to specify whether it is a women's bike or a men's bike. The next step can be more complicated. It always helps to know the model of your used bike. Often the model is in the invoice - if there is no invoice, you can search the frame. There are sometimes the model designations on it (eg manufacturers such as Cube or Canyon). Alternatively, you can also start a Google search or contact the buycycle team. They are happy to help you with the research of the model. In case of need you have to start the sale without model information.Determine stateAn important statement for potential buyers is the condition of the used bike. For example, if it was only in a dry cellar, the loss in value is naturally lower than if you have ridden the bike a lot and in all weathers. You can orientate yourself very well on the following conditions.In the case of defective or severe visual defects, you can also bring the used bike or e-bike to the bicycle repair shop or order spare parts yourself and make a repair. However, experience shows that repairs are a cost factor before the sale, but often the selling price then does not increase to the same extent as the repair costs. A simple alternative is the Premium Check at buycycle. You can set the used bike as a defect and only when sold, the bike is then sent to a certified bicycle mechanic, which removes the defects.Shoot good photosBesides the price, the photos are the most important arguments for or against a sale. When taking photos, you should make sure that the used bike for sale can be seen in its entirety from the side. It is always helpful to photograph the bike from the side with the shifting group and crank - especially in the sporty area of road bikes and MTBs, the components play an important role in the purchase decision. In addition to the overall view, all important components should now be photographed. Prefer a few good photos of shifting group, brakes, saddle and Co. than several blurred or poorly lit pictures. Brand names such as Shimano and SRAM should be as legible as possible.In addition, all signs of use should be photographed to avoid later discussion with those buying. Very important here: Not only your bike is crucial, but also the background. A dark cellar looks less serious and inviting than a plain, well-lit wall. Here always applies - a few minutes more in the photo creation are worth it!Determine priceA selling price must now be determined for your old bike. The first point of reference for this is the new price. If you do not know the price, you can start a Google search or contact the buycycle team. In addition to the new price, the condition and age of the bike are also important factors in determining the selling price. At buycycle you will automatically receive a price recommendation within just a few clicks. You can find more details about the price determination in the section below.Determine place of sale / sales platformThere are various providers and options here. From local classifieds and Ebay classifieds to Buycycle. A detailed comparison and analysis takes place in the later section.When do I sell a bike?The best time for a bike sale is difficult to predict. Basically, of course, most people in Germany ride their bikes in the summer. Therefore, you see proportionally more purchases in the summer and fewer purchases in the winter. However, buyer behavior differs for different types of bicycles. Therefore, it is also important to know (see section 1) bicycle types of the used bicycle. Here is a first indication of the best times to sell the types of bicycles:Spring/SummerThe perfect time to sell a citybike, trekking bike or children's bike. These bikes are mostly bought according to immediate needs, i.e. when it is warm and there is no bike available or the old bike is broken, people usually want to solve the problem quickly and buy a new bike. For the above types, there is usually less emphasis on brands or special models, so they are usually NOT bought in the winter (with advance) for the next spring. Basically, this buying behavior also applies to sporty bikes in the low-priced segment. Beginners in racing bikes or mountain bikes usually decide only in the warm seasons to start the new sport. The same also applies to the e-bike versions of the bicycle types mentioned.Fall/WinterIn the colder seasons, especially high-priced sports bikes are bought. So if you want to sell an expensive road bike, MTB, triathlon bike or e-bike , then the fall/winter is well suited for this. If you look at the buying behavior of triathlon bikes, for example, you can quickly see that the sporty, ambitious buyers are already gearing up for the new season in the winter. The competitions usually take place in the summer, so the triathlon enthusiasts already want to take care of the optimal material with enough lead time. The same applies to high-quality racing bikes and mountain bikes. Most races take place in the warm summer months. Ambitious (hobby) athletes already prepare themselves in winter for the sporting tasks in summer. In a weakened form, it can also be seen that high-quality e-bikes are already being purchased in the winter "in advance of the warm season". Before buying expensive bikes, where several thousand euros are spent, most cyclists conduct a long research on the available models and suppliers. If the right model is then found, buyers usually strike directly before the "run" on the popular models starts in the summer.Basically, even high-priced bikes are bought in the summer and spring, so you can sell these bikes all year round. But in autumn and winter the chances are at least as good as in the warm months.What is my old bike still worth?One of the most difficult tasks when selling a bicycle is to determine the right price. You want to get a reasonable price for your old bike, of course, but you also want it to be attractive enough to "attract" potential buyers in a timely manner. Essentially, one determines the selling price with the following steps:Determination of the new price of the bikeThe price of the then-new bike is one of the most important clues to determine the selling price. If you have already bought the bike used and do not know the new price, it is worth researching online or search for your model in the database of buycycle, where you can find all new prices.Consider the age and condition of the bikeSimilar to a used car, the value of a bicycle decreases with age and wear. It is imperative that both factors are taken into account, since, for example, an 8 year old bike that has hardly been moved and is in very good condition is worth just as much as a 2 year old used bike (same new price), which, however, has already been heavily worn. The condition determination, which was already described in the upper section, helps here as well.Consider brand and modelHere, too, there are analogies to the car market in the bicycle sector. Popular brands (such as Canyon, Cube, Specialized) and especially their popular models (e.g. currently especially the Gravel bike models of popular suppliers) are more in demand than unknown brands and models. More demand leads to a higher selling price.Research of comparable advertisementsOn common sales platforms, you can search for your bike and see which advertisements are posted at which prices. This superficial market research helps to validate one's own selling price and can also help in checking step 3. Popular brands and models are offered more expensively than lesser-known sellers.Negotiation basis for fine tuningLast, of course, it always helps to advertise the used bike with a negotiable price. If one receives first counteroffers, this gives an assistance with the determination of the really attainable price. But here also caution is required. On platforms such as Ebay Classifieds, there are often "cheeky" requests with unrealistic prices. One should not be irritated by this. The process described above can often be time-consuming. The buycycle team has reduced this effort. There, with a short selection of the bike, one can get a price recommendation for the used bike within one minute. The self-learning algorithm takes into account the aforementioned factors such as new price, condition, age, market situation, time of year, search volume and the selling prices of similar advertisements when automatically determining the price.What is the best way to sell an E-bike?When selling an E-bike the above steps apply. For an E-bike , only the battery and the engine are an additional issue. Basically, an E-bike is much better sellable if you can show an "official" statement about battery capacity and motor power. For this, you can have the battery checked at a bicycle dealer and take advantage of the testing service of buycycle .Where is the best place to sell my bike?For the sale of bicycles so far there are several providers:buycycleEbay ClassifiedsMTB NewsQuokaEbayLocal classifiedsUntil now, for the sale of bicycles, people usually posted local classified ads or the used bike was advertised on Ebay classifieds. Both variants have some weaknesses:One is spatially simply limited, since the buyers would like to pick up the used bicycles above all. This leads to the fact that only the local bicycle market is addressed. It takes a bit of luck to find a suitable owner for your old bike. A shipping option is only available in the rarest of cases.Payment is not regulated. Personal arrangements over the phone offer great potential for fraudsters. Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of fraud on platforms such as Ebay Classifieds.Potential buyers can only search for their new bike via free texts. But what the interested people are looking for, you can not always estimate in advance. Especially if you do not sell a bike every day.In some cases, the buyer complains about traces of use in the aftermath.The buycycle team started with the goal of offering an alternative without these weaknesses. How can the sale be made simple and safe and at the same time address as many interested parties as possible? Here is the description.Sell bike on buycycle.comAdvertise in simpleAdvertisements can be created quickly and easily at buycycle - even without detailed knowledge about one's used bike. One simply has to specify the brand (e.g. Haibike), the model (e.g. Backroad) and the year of purchase (of the then new bike). Immediately the suitable bicycles are suggested. One simply selects the correct bike , specifies the condition of the bike (e.g. bike in good condition) and the advertisement is created and the bike can be sold.Secure paymentIf one carries out a private sale and the bike is not picked up by the buyer, one must ensure a digital exchange of the purchase amount. At buycycle it is easy to pay with all common online payment methods, such as Paypal, Klarna, credit card or even installment payment. With the help of privacy settings and secure interfaces to a payment service provider, the money is collected from the purchaser and held in trust. As soon as the collection has been arranged, the money is released and sent to the deposited account. Thus one has the money on the account still before the used bicycle was given out of the hand. The special thing about this process - it provides security for both sellers and buyers.Uncomplicated bike shippingA shipment always starts with the packaging. buycycle sends home a packaging set (box and protection in the box for components, frame and wheels). The box fits an e-bike, road bike, mountain bike, city-bike, trekking bike and also a pedelec.In the case of a particularly small or large frame height, as well as a children's bike, there are also special variants of the packaging. Now you have to put the bike in the box and cover the components with the protectors provided for this purpose. The used bike is now picked up at home and brought insured to the buyer. The buyer now has the feeling of having received a bike directly from the bike dealer - which hopefully increases the enthusiasm around the bike purchase once again. A direct pickup from the used bike is of course also possible - especially for short distances, a direct pickup makes ecological sense.Queries will be handled by buycycleRegardless of whether it's a "mechanical" bike or an e-bike (bike ), buyers sometimes have questions about the technical details of a used bike. The buycycle-Team wants to help the buyers with the start into the new bicycle adventure and relieve the salesmen and saleswomen of all efforts in the after sales. The customer support of buycycle is at any time attainable for the Kaufenden and answer all questions. In addition there are partner bicycle stores and workshops in completely Germany, which can support locally with the start with bike . Only in exceptional cases do the sellers have to be contacted in case of queries.Low costIn principle, you can advertise a bicycle free of charge at buycycle . Only in the case of a successful transaction, a fee of 1.5% of the bike price is due. The sale as simple and safe as possible. Also a bicycle purchase is planned - so one can sell even within few hours its bicycle and have the selling price on the account. Traces of use are repaired in this case by a refurbishment, i.e. a reconditioning of the used bike.Do you have any questions about the article or about selling a bike? Just contact the buycycle-team. Good luck selling your bike!Here you can find details about sell racing bike or sell mountain bike.