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    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman

    Alice Huot
    Alice Huot
    Jul 18, 2024 9 min
    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman

    With spring now fully sprung and summer just around the corner, every two-wheeled aficionado is either dusting off their winterized steed or looking to purchase a new machine to make the proverbial hay while the sun is shining bright and warm for the next couple of months. If you identify with the latter group, buycycle has over 20,000 different certified pre-owned and refurbished bikes from every discipline possible listed on their platform, so hop on over to the marketplace to discover your next dream bike.

    Sam (on the left) celebrates the success of the ascent with his wife.
    Sam Boardman is a professional cyclist based in the United States currently competing for Project Echelon Racing. After discovering the sport of cycling while completing his degrees in English and Spanish at the University of California, Los Angeles, he decided he would dedicate his life to bicycles for as long as he could. Since then, he has raced all throughout the world, and has worked in the industry as a freelance writer and community organizer.

    Where to ride next?

    Discover new routes with Strava's global heatmap

    My favorite tool for discovering routes whenever I have been in a new place has been Strava’s Global Heatmap feature. When planning a route using Strava’s route-builder platform, you are able to see where other users have ridden, and with what degree of frequency based on the intensity of heatmap overlaid on the satellite. Using this function, one is able to see what are the popular routes for cyclists in the area, and how the locals have connected their rides together. It is a go-to tool for me, and one that has allowed me to endlessly check off new roads wherever I go with the confidence that I won’t get lost and the road I’m riding is safe for a cyclist. 

    How to navigate your next cycling adventure

    However, regardless of what camp you fall into, there are few things as effective a motivator as great weather to get you onto the saddle and out tackling some miles, but what good are perfect conditions when you have no idea where you’re going or what you’re doing? I have always loved bike riding because of the places it takes me, but my innate navigation skills are so bad that if I set out without a map or planned route to follow, I would probably get lost and never come home again! So if you’re directionally challenged like me, and need some guidance on where to go and what to see as you plan your next adventure aboard your bike, here are some of my favorite places and events to ride throughout the US, complete with links to routes that I have absolutely loved.

    1.West Coast -  Sonoma County, Northern California

    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman
    Some Sonoma County Coastline Action

    Routes to ride (Road): 

    Located north of the San Francisco Bay Area, Sonoma County comprises iconic vineyards, green and lush foothills, and a beautiful coastline that makes up part of California’s iconic coastal Highway 1. Though rainy throughout winter and early spring, the weather usually decides to shape up come May, offering some of the most scenic and secluded riding a cyclist could ever want with panoramic vistas abounding throughout the entire county that offer views of the valley as well as the sea, and all the grandeur in between. If you are interested in participating in an event within the area, consider checking out the Grasshopper Adventure Series. Showcasing the more rugged terrain of the area, each series offers challenging courses that force riders to be extremely judicious with their bike choice. Will it be a road bike? A gravel bike? A mountain bike? You might see all three at one race! 

    2.Mountain West - Whitefish, Montana

    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman
    Whitefish, Montana

    Routes to ride (Gravel): 

    Now this recommendation is pretty biased considering this is where I live, but I really do think it’s quite an amazing place to ride a bike (when it’s not buried under snow or freezing cold). Whitefish is a quiet mountain town located about 45 minutes outside of Glacier National Park, and touts an astounding variety of gravel roads that burrow deep into the forests of the local mountain systems and offer some of the most remote riding I have ever experienced. If you’re interested in riding some of these stunning roads, check out The Last Best Ride, a charitable event that my partner helps to organize that raises money for scholar award grants provided to financially qualified young women seeking post-secondary education. The routes are awesome, the vibes are incredible, and it’s all in the name of a good cause. Just don’t forget your bear spray though! With great remoteness, comes great responsibility, and you are out in some true wilderness when you venture out in Flathead County. 

    3.Appalachia - Knoxville, Tennessee

    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman
    Appalachia - Knoxville, Tennessee

    Routes to ride (Road): 

    For six years, the U.S. National Championships were held in Knoxville, and for five out of those six years, I had the pleasure (and pain) of racing the event. With each year that I participated, I fell more and more in love with the city and its surrounding, which I now say with no hesitation has some of the most stunning and under-rated riding in the country. With hardly a straight road in the entire state, the region offers some extremely dynamic, rolling, and engaging riding, with more ups and downs and twists and turns than I could comprehend. It was a shame that we never actually raced on some of these beautiful roads, but as years went on and I had a chance to meet and befriend some of the wonderful locals of the area, I was able to spend more time there ahead of the championships and tick off new road after new road. Speaking of locals, if you find yourself in Knoxville proper, go check out Two Bikes, a bike shop that doubles as a non-profit organization that works to create opportunity, sustainability, and community through bicycles, especially through their youth mechanics program. It’s a wonderful place run by wonderful people who are doing wonderful things for their town, and they are worth supporting! 

    3.Pacific - Maui, Hawai

    Top US cycling destinations for 2024 by Sam Boardman
    Pacific - Maui, Hawai

    Routes to ride (Road): 

    Maui is one of those places that doesn’t seem real. If you manage to find your way across the entire island, you will have the privilege and pleasure of navigating nearly every possible biome along the way. Whether it’s riding the Hana Highway along the North Shore, or climbing from sea level to 10,000 feet of altitude on a single climb, Maui presents some of the most visually epic but also physically demanding riding any avid enthusiast could want. And with nearly perfect weather nearly all year round, it has become a popular place for training camps and refuge from the winter cold, or beach-side getaways during the summer months as well! 

    Honorable mentions

    The above are places that have enamored me most recently in my time in cycling, but they are by no means the end-all-be-all of my list of great places to ride. There are obviously a lot of other locations I could have mentioned that have captured my heart over the course of my time in the sport. The Santa Monica Mountains, for example, just outside of Los Angeles, California where I first discovered cycling when I was in college, is a known mecca for cyclists looking for endless options for climbing and good weather. Additionally, the DC/Maryland/Virginia metro area offers one of the most robust cycling communities in the entire country, and has been a staple for me during my winter and spring training with the abundance of a variety of different group rides and avid riders to train with, along with fun and winding country roads outside of the city. I put it to any cyclist to take time to check out both!

    Explore the best cycling destinations in the US and find your dream bike today!

    Whether you're an experienced cyclist or just starting your journey on two wheels, the United States offers a plethora of stunning routes and destinations that cater to all levels and interests. From the picturesque vineyards of Sonoma County to the rugged trails of Whitefish, Montana, and the dynamic roads of Knoxville, Tennessee, there's a perfect ride waiting for everyone. Don't forget the breathtaking views of Maui, Hawaii, which promise unforgettable adventures.

    As you plan your next cycling adventure, remember that preparation is key. Utilize tools like Strava's Global Heatmap to discover popular routes and ensure a safe ride. Consider participating in local events like the Grasshopper Adventure Series or The Last Best Ride for a community-driven experience that combines fun, challenge, and charity.

    No matter where you choose to ride, always prioritize safety and be mindful of the environment. With the right bike, a well-planned route, and an adventurous spirit, you're all set to explore the best cycling destinations the US has to offer. Happy riding!

    Ready to find your next adventure bike? Visit buycycle to explore over 20,000 certified pre-owned and refurbished bikes from every discipline possible. Discover your dream bike and make your next ride unforgettable!