
Passe à l'application

  • La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
  • Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
  • Protection de l'Acheteur
  • Financement
La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
Protection de l'Acheteur

Profil du vendeur

flag Villaz, France
Rejoint 08.12.2023
Rejoint 08.12.2023

Loop Sports is the specialist for refurbished sports and mobility bikes! Buy and sell your bike more simply, more safely and more sustainably. Discover our premium bikes, with a discount ranging from -20% to -60% of the retail price, all guaranteed for 1 year. With a 30-day trial, free split payment and integrated delivery, everything is done to guarantee you peace of mind with your purchase and your next escapades. The team is ready to accompany you on-line but also in our shop, to make sure you are making the right choice. Do not hesitate to make an appointment. See you soon inside the loop!

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