
Passe à l'application

  • La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
  • Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
  • Protection de l'Acheteur
  • Financement
La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
Protection de l'Acheteur

Profil du vendeur

flag Praha, Czech
Rejoint 06.02.2024
Rejoint 06.02.2024

We are a specialty bicycle store in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic. We have a long standing tradition since 2005. We offer high quality bicycles from world famous brands. Our service department is of the highest quality, we service and repair any type of bicycle and e-bike. We are also certified service partners of Rock Shox, SRAM, HUNT, Bosch, Fazua, Yamaha, Shimano and many more brands. If you have any questions about a listed bike, feel free to reach out to us. We know the bikes from inside and out and are passionate riders ourselves. We are happy to help.

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