
Passe à l'application

  • La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
  • Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
  • Protection de l'Acheteur
  • Financement
La plus grande sélection de vélos en Europe
Uniquement des vendeurs certifiés
Protection de l'Acheteur

Profil du vendeur

flag Mondovì, Italy
Rejoint 15.11.2023
Rejoint 15.11.2023

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride... (J.F. Kennedy) ...and we know this because we are driven by passion, to the point of having created a bicycle shop, a reference place for professionalism and competence in the world of cycling. The brands that you find from us have been chosen after years of experience in the heart of the most important companies, from offices to tests on our bikes to race tracks. In addition, in our workshop we provide professional and qualified assistance for the most innovative products such as electric motors, gearboxes and electronic suspensions. It doesn’t matter if you go by bike, go out on the road or commute in the city because with us you will always have the necessary support to push yourself beyond your limits.

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