• Europes biggest bike selection

    Instagram's most famous bikepacking routes

    Sophia Willmes
    Sophia Willmes
    Sep 14, 2023 5 min
    Instagram's most famous bikepacking routes

    Summer is slowly coming to an end, the air already smells a bit like autumn and we don't even have to start with the color of the leaves... But don't worry. The most beautiful days for cycling are still ahead of us! The most beautiful days for camping, however, also...

    If you’re already planning your next trip but want to cover more ground, bikepacking  might be the ideal fall getaway for you. It allows you to combine cycling and traveling to explore off-road or trail rides in the most stunning landscapes, all while your camping essentials are neatly strapped to your bike.
    To make sure that you not only get the most beautiful
     route for your fall adventure but also the most instagrammable pics of your trip, the buycycle team deep dived into hashtags, geotags and footage of over 36.000km worth of routes to deliver you the ultimate fall bikepacking guide. Drumroll for: The most instagrammable bikepacking spots in Europe!

    1. the GR5 through the Belgian Ardennes

    Pedaling into first place on our list with over 51k mentions on Instagram is the bikepacking route of the GR5 across the Belgian Ardennes. The GR5 is a versatile long-distance trail known mainly amongst hikers, but certain parts are also perfect for biking. When it comes to bikepacking there, you can expect varying terrains, since the route has a mix of GravelForest trails and even some tarmac, making it versatile for all different kinds of bikes.The stunning paths take you on a journey through lush forests, rolling hills, and quaint villages, so it is no wonder this stunning landscape comes in first on our list. 

    2nd Trail of Milk and Navvies, Norway

    The Trail Of Milk and Navvies in Norway is a bikepacking dream come true for those who seek solitude, scenery, and  a touch of history Coming in with over 27k Instagram hashtags this route takes you through peaceful forests, past glacial rivers, and alongside towering mountain peaks. One of the highlights is pedaling past historical dairy farms, an homage to the "milk" in the trail’s title. Make sure your bike is well-equipped for gravel. What truly sets this trail apart is its incomparable beauty; it's a moving canvas of nature's most stunning artwork. The sky stretches endlessly above, offering a backdrop to the fjords, mountains, and untouched landscapes that are simply breathtaking. Each bend in the trail presents a new, postcard-perfect shot, making the journey not just a physical endeavor, but a breathtaking ride in every sense. 

    3. alta Via dei Monti Liguri, Italy

    Up next on our list with over 22k Instagram hashtags is the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri in Italy. This exhilarating bikepacking adventure traverses the Ligurian Alps  providing cyclists with panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding mountains. The trail covers a range of terrains from rocky paths to smoother forest roads, meandering through picturesque villages, and past ancient ruins. A tip for those attempting this journey is to be well-prepared for some steep ascents; a bike with good climbing capabilities and low gears is recommended. Camping spots along this route are abundant, but wild camping rules vary, so be sure to research where you’d like to stop beforehand. The landscape is nothing short of spectacular, offering a blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. The Alta Via dei Monti Liguri isn’t just a bikepacking trail; it's a journey through some of Italy's most enchanting and lesser-known vistas, sure to captivate your heart and you will capture amazing photos.

    4. Bergslagsleden, Sweden

    Bikepacking the Bergslagsleden, also known as The Miner's Trail, in Sweden is a journey through a unique blend of natural beauty and historical richness. This trail, coming in at over 12k Instagram hashtags, takes you through thick forests of pine and spruce, around clear blue lakes , and past the remnants of Sweden's mining history, including old blast furnaces and mining villages. For those taking on this adventure, a  mountain bike equipped for various terrains is a must. Wild camping is allowed under Sweden's right of public access, but make sure to respect nature and local guidelines. Always. The beauty of the trail is mesmerizing; from the shimmering lakes reflecting the vast sky to the tranquil forests that seem to envelop you in a peaceful embrace. Bergslagsleden offers a serene yet challenging bikepacking experience that lets you connect deeply with Sweden's stunning landscapes and intriguing past. Your followers will love it.

    5th Ten Peaks Trail, Scotland

    Riding into our last spot in our top 5 ranking with over 10k Instagram hashtags, is the Ten Peaks Trail in Scotland: An awe-inspiring journey that takes you through the heart of some of Scotland's most majestic mountains. This rugged trail promises challenging climbs and thrilling descents, suitable for seasoned bikepackers equipped with versatile mountain bikes. The beauty you'll encounter is unparalleled: sweeping views of rugged peaks, tranquil lakes, and sprawling heather meadows. The isolation and sense of wilderness make this a sublime experience for those who crave a deep connection with nature. Completing the Ten Peaks Trail gives you not just the thrill of adventure but also a profound appreciation for the breathtaking Scottish landscapes.

    Who rounds out the top 10?

    6. The Grand Traversée du Massif Central, France - 718 km | 5.8k+ Instagram hashtags

    7. Montanas Vacias (Empty Mountains), Spain - 679 km | 5k+ Instagram hashtags

    8. The Capital Trail, Scotland - 238 km | 4.7k+ Instagram hashtags

    9. Marmot's Land, Switzerland - 222 km | 4.6k+ Instagram hashtags

    10. Grande Traversee L'Alpes-Provence - 299 km | 4k+ Instagram hashtags

    Well? Already in the mood for adventure? The buycycle team is looking forward to seeing pictures of your bikepacking trips and wishes you a lot of fun on your bike. If you are still missing that, we've got you covered with buycycle. Among the more than 15,000 bikes on our platform, you're sure to find the one that suits you perfectly. If you have any questions you can contact us at any time, and for more exciting content on the subject of bicycles, you'd best browse a little more through our blog. For now we wish you: Happy browsing, happy cycling, happy instagramming!