• Europes biggest bike selection


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    Love letters to the bike

    Love letters to the bike

    How to write a perfect love letter? The buycycle team does not know either. But we tried... So here's what we've always wanted to say to our bikes. In a few touching, loving, thoughtful and understandable mini love letters. Leo - Marketing 🚴🏽♂️I just love the principle of cycling: You get from A to B thanks to your own strength, and it's so quick and easy. It gives you such a sense of self-efficacy that blows me away. My bike is my favorite tool, my favorite means of transportation, and it

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    Road clear for Canyon

    Road clear for Canyon

    The most important information about one of the most important international bicycle manufacturers Triathlon bikes, mountain and gravel bikes, racing- and cyclocross bikes: Hardly any other bicycle manufacturer can do so many things as well as the Koblenz brand. Canyon. Founded just 21 years ago has Canyon quickly convinced an enthusiastic, loyal and above all huge fan base of itself. Today we look at the history and greatest achievements of the inventors of the Ultimate, Grizl and Grails take

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    Ship your bike

    Ship your bike

    How do you ship your bike the right way? Find all tips & tricks for shipping your bike here. Whether road, gravel, mountain or e-bike. 1. How do I ship my bike correctly? 1. bike packing 2. determine collection date 3. have bike picked up by our logistics partner How do I ship my bike correctly? Congratulations! You have successfully sold your old bike on buycycle sell your old bike! Whether road, gravel or mountain bike. With us you don't have to worry about anything, we save y

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    Buy a bike on Ebay

    Buy a bike on Ebay

    or rather on buycycle? You're looking for a new bike, preferably a used one. After all, it's cheaper and you're doing something for the circular economy. Now you know that perseverance is required on your way through flea markets and second-hand bike stores and sooner or later you will come across the giant of the online second-hand market: Ebay Classifieds. How the jungle of offers on the platform is structured and why you should find your new old bike maybe better at buycycle we will show you

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    The buycycle guide for cycling clothes in winter

    The buycycle guide for cycling clothes in winter

    Layering is the solution for the cold days Winter is here, the new year is approaching and slowly it has become cold and clammy on the favorite roads and trails. But we cyclists are not at all willing to say goodbye to our bikes in hibernation, but would like to defy the adverse weather conditions. The old adage applies here: there is no such thing as bad weather, there is only bad clothing. Because with the right layering look (several, different layers of clothing), we can pursue our passion

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    Saddlebags Essentials

    Saddlebags Essentials

    This is what you pack for your next bike ride in your saddlebag en! A saddle bag is a small bag that is attached to the saddle of a bicycle and is usually used to carry small items that you need during a tour. They come in different shapes and sizes, all well and good, but what should go in there anyway? In this blog post there are answers... * Tire levers: If you have a flat tire tire levers are an absolute must and make this small repair easier for even the strongest hands. They come in di

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    The buycycle indoor trainer test

    The buycycle indoor trainer test

    What is a bicycle roller trainer? And how does it work? We look forward to Christmas and New Year's Eve, enjoy the winter to the fullest, but our cyclists' hearts are still suffering a bit. The roads are slippery, the air is bitingly cold, and cycling has become properly uncomfortable even for hardy cyclists. Fortunately, however, there is an alternative that allows us to experience a little cycling fun even in the warm, dry living room: The roller trainer. In this indoor date with the roller t

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    The best bike gadgets 2024

    The best bike gadgets 2024

    The buycycle Gadget Guide 2023 is here! We have resolutions, we want to go higher, faster, further. But at buycycle we also like to say: New year, new fun! To share this fun with you, we have compiled a list of bike accessories that are as versatile as we hope the new year will be. From practical to beautiful or just quite funny, everything is there. So that the new year on the bike will be a very special one. 1. For the safe players. If you love your bike... you also worry about its safety,

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    Schwalbe tires recycling

    Schwalbe tires recycling

    Watchblog, Schwalbe Tire Recycling Edition buycycle WatchBlog: In this new series, each month we take a look at developments in the bicycle industry and cycling culture: from spinning to Copenhagenizing - we present you all trends and innovations. Today a very technical but very important start: tire and tube recycling from major manufacturer Schwalbe! The tire manufacturer Schwalbe wants to become more sustainable. The company's goals for the next few years include CO2 compensation for unavoi

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    5 tips for more cycling pleasure in winter

    5 tips for more cycling pleasure in winter

    Motivated cycling through the cold days Winter is here and that means slippery, muddy and dark rides. Means you need to prepare your bike for these harsh conditions. But don't despair, just ask buycycle : in this blog post we'll show you 5 important tips on how to get your bike ready for winter. Let's get started! 1. Clean through the cold. In winter, you need to clean your bike more often and more thoroughly than in summer. Pay particular attention to the drivetrain and the brakes. This wil

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    From the first Tour du Monde to the women's Tour de France.

    From the first Tour du Monde to the women's Tour de France.

    A history of women, bicycles and feminism. Annie Kopchovsky and Annemiek van Vleuten: The first woman to circumnavigate the globe on a bicycle in 1895 and the winner of the 2022 Tour de France Femmes. The two are separated by just under 150 years, during which the history of the bicycle and the history of women have been directly linked and have driven each other forward. At buycyle, we would like to use this year's International Women's Day to recall these stories and take a closer look at the

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    Aluminum VS Carbon

    Aluminum VS Carbon

    The buycycle frame comparison Aluminum or carbon? An old favorite or the latest craze? Which should really be the ideal frame material is hotly debated in the bicycle world and no, as so often, there is no golden formula. So to bring a little light into the thicket of carbon VS aluminum myths and thus facilitate the decision-making process for the next bike purchase, Nic made you a fantastic YouTube video and I suitably conjured this blog article. 1. The materials 1x1 Before we dive into th

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