• Europes biggest bike selection
    Robert Ferri

    Robert Ferri

    What is a gravel bike?
    Gravel biking

    What is a gravel bike?

    When you start getting into cycling, you quickly hear about gravel bikes. The truth is, you do not really understand what people are talking about. Let's admit it: it looks like a road bike, but it is not a road bike. Everyone says, "yeah, gravel bikes can handle anything, they're awesome." So, is it more like a mountain bike then? Ouch, it is easy to get confused. Do not worry, we will explain you what makes a gravel bike a gravel bike and nothing else, and why this type of bike has become so p

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    How to choose a gravel bike?

    How to choose a gravel bike?

    Suppose you are considering purchasing a gravel bike. However, you are facing a vast market and often do not know where to begin. Do not panic, our gravel bike expert, Robbie, is here to assist you with his gravel bike buying guide. Firstly, you must ask yourself the right questions about your expectations and how you will use the bike. Then, consider which gravel bikes appeal to you. Do you have favorite brands, designs, or colors? Next, it is time to filter more pragmatically with questions a

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    What is bike touring?

    What is bike touring?

    Bike touring is a great way to explore the world on two wheels. It is not always about where you are going but what you see along the way. Escaping the normal to explore the world at a slower pace, taking your adventure in your direction. Where does bike touring originate from, and is it still a prevalent practice today? Who are the modern cyclists embarking on adventures with their bikes? What essential equipment is required for such journeys, and what are the benefits of undertaking this type

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    What is bikepacking?

    What is bikepacking?

    Pros: * Environmentally friendly * Keeps you in great shape * You pick where your adventure takes you * You can pretty much eat as much as you want * Lots of events available worldwide * Nearly any bike works for it * Bike camping is so much fun * It is not an expensive hobby * You are going to make some amazing friends * Your Instagram will look amazing Cons: * Your legs might feel tired after a long day * You are dependent on the weather * You get through tires and chai

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